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August 2024

Case Study: Camogie Summer Camps

This summer the Camogie Association hosted it's second year of Her Moves Summer Camogie Camps in 6 clubs across the country. Below is a guest article from the programme organiser, Shauna Fox on the success of the programme.

The Camogie Teenage Summer Camps is an initiative that gives teenage females the chance to try new things in a light-hearted, enjoyable atmosphere in addition to participating in Camogie socially and meeting new people. The goal is to provide young girls the chance to play Camogie, develop their confidence, empower them and to be able to play Camogie in a relaxed environment while also combining other activities that they might find interesting.

One camp was held as part of the Camogie Teenage Summer Camps pilot program in the summer of 2023. It was started because there are many Gaelic Games and other activities for young girls throughout the summer, but nothing for teenagers. The Association felt that there was appetite for sport in the summer months to keep teenage girls engaged and active in the summer months, as well as to make new friends and feel connected.

In 2024 Six Camogie clubs held amazing camps in their communities in July and August. They invited a variety of sports clubs, activity centres, and other organisations to participate in their camps, incorporating the theme "find something that moves you" and offering a wide variety of activities for teenage girls to try – but knowing there was a follow up opportunity.

Some activities that featured in the camp were:

·      Camogie - of course!

·      Gaelic football, Tag rugby, Soccer, American Football, Frisbee

·      Beauty and Healthcare Workshops

·      Dance

·      Cooking, Baking

·      Water fights

·      Creative art, Styling hurls, Painting/Drawing on sliotars

·      Social Media Challenges, Photography

·      Yoga/Pilates

·      Introduction to weightlifting

·      Karaoke

·      Old school games

·      Bracelet making

·      Lots More!

Check out our video highlights here.

The camp's focus was to make it completely enjoyable and non-competitive, giving the girls the flexibility to try new things every day. This eliminated the possibility of judgement and lets the girls just play and take advantage of all the new and exciting activities that are offered. It gave them a positive perspective on Camogie and taught them the value of staying active and incorporating other activities/hobbies into their daily lives in addition to showing that being active doesn’t have to be competitive or tough all the time – it can be fun, social, inspirational. Prior to each camp, the clubs met with the girls through focus groups, allowing them to express their preferences and highlight activities they would find enjoyable in the camp to try champion what they would enjoy.

The Camogie Association Teenage camps have increased from 1in 2023 to 7 completed thus far in 2024 - thanks to guidelines on the Sport Ireland Teenage Girls Research, our pilot feedback from 2023 and March 2024, and the help of Sport Ireland and Her Moves in incorporating the 8 Principles of Her Moves. More activities are scheduled for October in an effort to encourage our teenagers in Camogie to be physically active.

Article by SHauna FOX from the Camogie Association

#HerMoves # #FindSomethingThatMovesYou

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