Her Moves: Nina Caren's Story

“Sport keeps me fit and healthy. It means I get to spend time with my friends at the gym who all have similar interests to me, and they understand me.” – Nina Caren

Nina Caren is a 13-year-old student and trains in Rhythmic gymnastics at Excel Gymnastics Dublin. We sat down with Nina toask a few questions about her story!


When did you first get involved in your sport?

I started Rhythmic gymnastics when I was 9 years old.


Are there any other sport / activities that you did before the sport you do now?

Before I started rhythmic gymnastics, I did recreational gymnastics on Saturday mornings.


How has sport and physical activity impacted your life?

Sport keeps me fit and healthy. It gives me goals to aim for and hopefully achieve. I get to spend time with my friends at the gym who all have similar interests and goals to me, and they understand me.


What is your favourite pre /post exercise snack?

Before I go training, I love eating a banana or a cereal bar. Afterwards I need ice cold water.


Who inspires you to be active?

My coach Angelica Kvieczynski is my inspiration. She is so positive and supportive.

What does your school do to encourage an active environment?

I feel there are not enough options in school for sports. I would love if we had more time for sports and more variety and to try new things.


Who has been your most influential coach and why?

Angelica my coach is so encouraging and has a great knowledge of our sport. She shares her experiences. She can still do the moves and often shows us in the gym.  All the girls love to see her demonstrate. Most of all she makes our training fun and creates a happy environment.


Have you noticed other girls your age stepping away from sport? If so, how does that make you feel?

I feel sad a frustrated when girls give up their sports. It is such an important part of who I am, and I would love them to feel how I feel about being active.


What’s your advice to someone thinking about dropping out of sport?

Try to stay positive. Maybe try a different sport. Don't be afraid and never give up. There is something for everyone and we are all different. That's why there is so many different types of sport.


Is there any advice you have for parents trying to support their daughter participating in sport?

Parents should let their daughter try out different sports. Each person has something that will inspire them, and they need to look and try to find this. It might take a few times to find the right sport. We need our parents’ help and support. This keeps us positive and feel safe to try new things.


Have you any advice for someone thinking of getting involved in Gymnastics and how can they get involved?

There are so many good gymnastics clubs around the country. They offer free first time try out sessions.  They are friendly and will help you see what will work for you.


When is your next competition?

My next competition is November 2023 with gymnastics Ireland.


Who is your female sporting role model?

My female sporting role model is Angelica Kvieczynski, she is a rhythmic gymnast from Brazil.


Tell us a fun fact about yourself?

I am also a ballerina and dance too. I love to do choreograph dance solos and create new work!

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