Positive Coaching Environment

Get back to basics, these tips might seem obvious, but they are vital in keeping teenage girls engaged in sport!

Creating a positive coaching environment is important for any athlete, but it becomes increasingly important for teenage girls as the risk of disengaging is higher than boys.

Most coaches will know these key points in creating a positive environment, but sometimes we can get caught up in competition.

Therefore, we have hit pause and laid out the basics below, they might seem obvious, but they are vital in keeping teenage girls engaged in sport, so be sure to keep all coaching staff on the same page when it comes to your day to day interactions with your female athletes.

Sense of belonging and feeling valued

  • Create designated social times within the session; 5 min “social warm up or down” performing the activity (running, drills etc) in pairs and catching up with chat.
  • Empower decision making; involve the girls in creating part of the session, give them plenty of warning to prepare a good section.

Coach’s language – check out the basic do’s and don’ts here

Coach - athlete relationships

  • Focus on effort; Reward hard work, not just winning.
  • Get their feedback; Ask them what they think and how we can improve.

Adapting challenge to individual needs & reframing competition

  • Find out what motivates the girls to be there and why they keep participating in sport by asking questions and casual conversations.
  • Balance team unity with personal goals and aspirations; offer challenges appropriate to individual skill level.

Athlete groupings and giving them a voice & choice

  • Encourage leadership; provide an opportunity for each girl to lead certain elements of session or team building activities / days.
  • Learn together; group girls with different skills and encourage peer learning.