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Positive Coaching Environment

Get back to basics, these tips might seem obvious, but they are vital in keeping teenage girls engaged in sport!

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Tips from coaches for coaches!

We chatted to real coaches who are supporting teenage girls around Ireland from various sports, here are their take home messages!

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Tips For Teachers

With a 29% drop in participation from primary to post-primary; teenage girls face unique challenges that can lead to disengagement from sports.

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Language Dos and Don'ts for Coaches

Effective communication is key to keeping girls engaged in physical activity. Here are the language dos and don’ts for teachers to help foster a supportive, motivating environment that empowers every girl to stay active.

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Adolescent Girls Get Active Research

The foundation research that led to the creation of Her Moves; this research report aims to establish how to encourage teenage girls to take part in regular physical activity and focuses particularly on the lived experiences of disengaged and gradually disengaged girls, i.e. inactive.

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Tips for Dads

As a father, you play a crucial role in supporting your daughter's sporting journey. By understanding the challenges, she may face and providing the right guidance, you can help her develop her skills, build confidence, and enjoy a fulfilling sports experience.

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Female Athlete Toolkit

Developed by SHE Research, this is an extensive handbook that covers many areas relating to female athletes, including: menstrual cycle, contraception, and breast health.

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10 Step Checklist - Period Supportive Environment

Creating a period supportive environment is key for the teen girls overall quality of experience in sport

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Period Products - Flowchart

Want an easy and fun way to discover the best period product for you? Follow the flowchart below to find your best fit.

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Choosing a Sports Bra

There are 3 distinct types of sports bra: Encapsualtion, Compression and Combination. Find out what you need...

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Tracking your Menstrual Cycle

Tracking your menstrual cycle can benefit both your health as well as your sport participation and performance

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Period Power - Fuelling for Energy

We all know that periods can cause daily disruptions, but like anything in life there are ways to battle these challenges!

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Mastering your menstrual cycle like a pro!

Managing the menstrual cycle can feel like a minefield on an average day, never mind the days where you require more from your mind and body!

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Period Positive Posters

Created by teen girls for teen girls, the Her Moves Period Postive Posters are all about you and your menstrual cycle.

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8 Guiding Principles for success

Anyone in sport can use these 8 Principles for Success to either check and challenge existing programmes as to their appeal for teen girls; or innovate and develop completely new initiatives.‍ 

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Body image advice

Body image is a crucial aspect of an adolescent girl's life. For many young women, feeling good about their appearance is paramount in helping them to navigate the social and emotional changes of adolescence.

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Parents getting involved and volunteering

It is incredibly helpful for parents to get involved in their teenage daughter's sports activities.

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How to talk to a teenage girl falling out of love with sport?

The best way to talk to a teenage girl falling out of love with sport is to focus on the positive aspects of the sport that they once loved and emphasise how these positives can help the girl excel in her current life.

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Parents Council of Ireland

The Parents Council of Ireland is a great tool for parents looking for ideas and inspiration on how to keep their daughter active.

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